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     Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of research literature and quality web sources. It's designed to find the information scientists need. Quick, easy and comprehensive, Scopus provides superior support of the literature research process.

It is updated daily and offers: 18,000 titles from more than 5,000 different publishers; Over 16,500 peer-reviewed journals including coverage of 1200 Open Access journals; 3.6 million conference papers; 600 trade publications; 27 million abstracts; 245 million references, added to all abstracts; Results from 435 million scientific web pages; 23 million patent records from 5 patent offices (US Patent and Trademark Office, European Patent Office, Japan Patent Office, World Intellectual Property Organization and UK Intellectual Property Office); Seamless links to full-text articles and other library resources; "Articles-in-Press" from over 3,000 journals ;Over 80 selected sources e.g. institutional repositories, digital archives and special subject collections made individually searchable via Selected Sources tab; Innovative tools that give an at-a-glance overview of search results and refine them to the most relevant hits; Alerts to keep you up-to-date on new articles matching your search query, or by favorite author.

    The Database Includes: ABI/INFORM Dateline, ABI/INFORM Global, and ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry. It provides a comprehensive coverage of business and economic events from across the globe.           

           It offers nearly 3,000 full-text titles covering business and economic conditions, corporate strategies, management techniques, as well as competitive and product information. 

       The Database includes 3970 journals and provides access to 14,000 full-text doctoral dissertations and master’s theses; 5,200 documents available from the publishers Ivey, Thunderbird, Idea Group, and Darden; The Wall Street Journal, Eastern Edition; the premier business newspaper in North America, with back file coverage to 1984; and linking to Safari Business Books Online.