Manupatra | is India’s largest and most comprehensive online legal & business policy database. Manupatra revolutionized the way in which people do legal research in India. It is decision support information to professionals in Legal, Business, Academic and Government markets and anyone who requires legal and business policy information. It provides information, tools, and solutions to help professionals make their most critical decisions effectively and improve their productivity.
Manupatra products are used in a wide variety of end markets with users ranging across Academic, Corporate, Government, Professionals (Lawyers, CA, CS etc), Banks, Consulting Companies, Media Houses, Litigants , Research Organisations, NGO’s and others.
Manupatra has provided a single point source of accessing diverse Indian Legal and Business information that helps users make critical decisions. A digital resource such as manupatra is an ideal solution, which takes no rack space to store, is not machine specific and thus can be used from anywhere, the search interfaces facilitate your research and get you the requisite documents in matter of minutes.