( Delhi-110 021. (India)
List of Library Committee Members for Year 2016-2019
The composition of Library Committee as per provisions of Ordinance XVI is as under for the period 2016-2019.
S. No. Name Contact No.
1. Incharge, Department of Applied Psychology 011241157275
2. Head, Department of Bio-Physics 011241157279
3. Head, Department of Biochemistry 011241157183
4. Head, Department of Business Economics 011241157277
5. Head, Department of Electronics 011241157204
6. Incharge, Department of English 011241157180
7. Head Department of Financial Studies 011241157286
8. Head, Department of Genetics 011241157179
9. Incharge, Department of Hindi 011241157347
10 In charge Department of –History 011241157115
11. Incharge -IIC – 011241157241
12. In charge- Department of Mathematics 011241157296
13. Head, Department of Microbiology 011241157240
14. Head, Department of Operational Research 011241157295
15. Head, Department of Philosophy 011241157264
16. Head, Department of Plant Molecular Biology 011241157184
17. In-charge, Department of Political Science 011241157306
18. Head, Department of Sanskrit 011241157106
Students Members:
1. Mr.Subodh Pandit, MBE 9818063879
2. Ms, Vibha Verma, PMB 8800489852
3. Mr. Aditya Sharma, Genetics 9891824298
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