Members in the Area conduct research and publish on a variety
of themes. Policy related work constitutes a large part of this work
and the faculty of the Area has been extensively involved in the
formulation and evaluation of public policy. Members explore the
rationale and efficacy of policies relating to agriculture,
small-scale sector, intellectual property rights, competition,
foreign direct investment, technology and state owned enterprises
and analyze individual policy instruments in the larger
macro-economic context. Recent studies have focused on various
issues relating to privatization and financing of public sector
enterprises and regulatory and other constraints on the efficiency
of the public sector. Linkages between competition law-policy and
sector specific regulation are being explored. In addition,
significant research is being done in the areas of capital markets,
taxation, deficit financing, issues relating to foreign exchange
management, balance of payments and broader fiscal and monetary
policy in India. The work on fiscal policy reform has had a national
as well as a state level focus. Analysis of issues relating to
infrastructure has been an important area of work in recent years.
Another strand of policy related work has been to investigate firm
level responses to various policy initiatives. Other firm level
research focuses on the determinants, scope and impact of inter-firm
and other alliances in building enterprise level capabilities.
Determinants of export behaviour and performance of firms is also an
important area of firm level research.

Research in the Area has also explored sources of
economic growth in India, regional disparities in the country's
growth patterns and differential rates of growth of developing
countries. Studies relating to rural development, employment,
entrepreneurship and industrial clusters are also undertaken. A
strand of research on co-operation focuses on issues relating to
property rights and incentive structures. Work has also been
initiated on the impact of globalization and WTO negotiations on
employment, poverty and specific sectors like textiles and
pharmaceuticals industry. Research is not restricted to the Indian
economy. Studies analyze developments in East Asia, China, the
Commonwealth and other countries.
Most of the research
mentioned above involves rigorous analysis of secondary and primary
data. Consequently, research in the area grapples with measurement
and estimation related issues on a continuing basis. While most of
the research is empirical in nature, there is a significant body of
work that deals with rational choice, social choice and welfare
economic theory. The major focus of research in this area has been
the axiomatic characterization of social choice rules in fair
division problems and in the theory of elections. Some work on the
theoretical underpinnings of corruption has also been
COURSES PGP: Compulsory Courses
Economics Analysis (EA) Economic Environment and
Policy I (EEP-I) Economic Environment and Policy II (EEP-II)
PGP: Electives Business Contracts &
Property Rights (BCPR) Economic Analysis for Business Planning
(EABP) Economic and Business Forecasting (EBF) International
Banking and Finance (IBF) International Trade and Finance
(ITF) Managing Technology Networks (MTN) - (Joint Area
course) Multinational and the International Economy
(MIE) Project Planning for Industrial Development (PPID) - (Joint
Area course) Strategic Management of Intellectual Property
Rights (SMIPR) - (Joint Area course) Trade, Finance and
Development: Global Impacts on Business Decisions
FPM: Compulsory Courses Advanced
Macroeconomics Advanced Microeconomics Econometric
FPM: Electives Economic Development &
Growth – (Joint Area course) Economics of Industrial Organisation
and Policy (EIOP) Electric Power Economics and Policy (EPEP) –
(Joint Area Course) Infrastructure Policy – (Joint Area
Course) Multinational and the International Economy
(MIE) Public Finance – (Joint Area Course) Trade, Finance and
Development: Global Impacts on Business Decisions
Some Recent Doctoral Students (Economics Area) and
their Thesis:
Year |
Name |
Thesis |
Organization of Work/Placement |
2003 |
Keren Priyadarshini |
Compliance to Environment and Labour
Laws: Case Study of the Alang Ship-breaking Yard |
National Kidney Foundation, Singapore |
2003 |
Raveendra Saradhi Vadlamudy |
The Effect of Prices and Exchange
Rates on India's Foreign Trade Flows: An Empirical Study |
___ |
2002 |
Pallavi Paul |
Investment Options and Least Cost
Planning in the Electricity Sector in India |
GE Capital Bangalore |
2002 |
Subhendra Nath Saha |
Determinants of Entry in the Indian
Manufacturing Sector:1993-2000 |
GE Capital Bangalore |
2001 |
Deepak Kapur |
Economic Factors Influencing the Export
Performance of Indian Private Corporate Sector: Pre and Post
Liberalization |
Punjab University,
Chandigarh |