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The Institute of Economic Growth:
“ In-depth Research for Informed Policy Making”

The IEG is one of India’s leading research institutions in the fields of economic and social development. Set up in 1958 with a focus on economics, demography and sociology, its researchers focus on areas of emerging societal concern and interest. Their work presently falls into the nine broad themes identified as:

Agriculture and rural development, environment and resource economics, globalisation and trade, industry, labour and welfare, macro economic issues and models, population and health policy, social change and social structure.

Providing informed inputs based on state of the art knowledge into policy in these areas is one of its major objectives. To this end and to strengthen its own research, collaboration with leading centers of learning in India and in other parts of the world has been an important part of IEG policy.

Regular and special training programmes targeted at different groups of policy and opinion makers in government, civil society and the academic community supplement IEG’s input into development policy. One of the regular set of training programmes it conducts is for the probationers and in service officers of the Indian Economic Service.

Additionally we have held training programmes for the Indian Statistical Service, for NABARD officers, for researchers and teachers from Indian universities and from other Asian countries from time to time.

The Institute of Economic Growth (IEG) was founded in 1958 by the late Professor V.K.R.V. Rao, a towering figure among India's economists and a pioneer among institution builders. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was IEG's first President and Professor V.K.R.V. Rao was its first Director who later served successively as its Chairman and President. Several eminent personalities have since been associated with the Institute as its Presidents, Chairpersons, members of the Board of Trustees and of the Board of Governors, Directors, and faculty members. They include Shri V.T. Krishnamachari, Dr C.D. Deshmukh, Professor P.N. Dhar and Professor A.M. Khusro and Dr. Bimal Jalan. Dr Manmohan Singh is the current President of the IEG Society, Dr. C.H. Hanumantha Rao is the Chairman of the Board of Governors, and Professor Kanchan Chopra is the Director.

The Institute is an autonomous, multi-disciplinary centre for advanced research and training in economics, demography, and sociology. It is recognised by the University of Delhi as a premier national institution. Its faculty pursues empirical and therotical research that has a bearing on policy, on problems of economic development, planning, and social change. At present, IEG's faculty consisits of over 30 social scientists working in various research fields.


University of Delhi Enclave, North Campus, Delhi -110007, INDIA
Fax : +91-11-27667410
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Website : www.
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