Delhi University Library System

Delhi School of Economics

University of Delhi

 Delhi-110 007




Admission to the Library

The Library is open to the bonafide members of the Ratan Tata Library. The admission to the library will be against the Identity Card to be shown to the staff on demand at the time of entrance by the visitor (member), for getting a book issued/ returned, using e-library and also for reserving/Consulting a book. For the P.G./M. Phil./Ph. D. students pursuing their courses at the DSE, this Identity Card is issued by the RTL on submission of the membership form with the recommendation of the concerned College and/or Department but only after submission of copy of the receipt of the required fees for RTL. However, for the faculty members from different Colleges and Departments of DU, this Identity Card is issued by the RTL on the recommendation of the concerned College/Department/ any library unit under Delhi University Library System where the faculty is initially registered.

However, visitor (non-member) is requested to make an entry in the register kept at the entrance indicating purpose of his/her visit to the RTL. The visitors (non-members) will be allowed to enter the premises only after seeking permission from the Deputy Librarian I/c. Bags, briefcases, personal belongings, books borrowed from other libraries must not be brought inside the library. These must be deposited at the property counter at reader's own risk. The books borrowed from the RTL of which return dates are not due, if brought inside, could only be allowed to be taken out only, after their reissuing, provided the same are not reserved for some other esteemed library user. The property left at the property counter must be taken back the same day. However, please do not leave any valuables, viz., jewellary, purses, wallets, mobile phones, money/cash etc. at the property counter. Library does not accept any responsibility for loss or damage to personal property left on its premises.

While leaving the library, members are required to show their files, file covers, books, bags etc. to the staff on duty at the exit gate. Membership of the Ratan Tata Library is open to:

 a) Teachers, Teacher Fellows, Research Associates, Research Scholars (Ph.D., & M. Phil.) of Economics, Commerce, Sociology, Geography and Management Studies and post-graduate degree students of Economics, Commerce, Sociology and  Geography of the Delhi University, excluding students of External Cell, School of Correspondence Courses and Non Collegiate Women's Board.

 b) Post Graduate Ex-students enrolled for examination of the Delhi University, who were earlier members of the Ratan Tata Library, on the recommendation of the Director Delhi School of Economics. On payment of Rs. 1,000/- as refundable library security, Rs.1,000/- as DSE Library Fee, Rs. 200/- as Library Development Fee to be deposited with the Delhi School of Economics.

c) Ph.D./M. Phil. students and teachers of other departments of Delhi University wanting to make use of it for specific purposes on individual merit. Two of their borrower's cards issued by their parent Library can be converted for use in the Ratan Tata Library.

d) Research staff of Agricultural Economics Research Centre.

e) Those scholars engaged in higher studies and research under special permission of the librarian on payment of Rs. 1,000/- as library security.

f) Technical Staff of the Delhi School of Economics, Agricultural Economics Research Centre, Faculty of Management Studies can get two of their borrower's cards issued by the University Library, converted for use in the Ratan Tata Library.

g) Teachers and Research Scholars (Ph. D.) of other Universities and Research Institutions (Indian & Foreign) as guest members for consultation for a specified period on production of his/her registration/ recommendation letter duly signed by the Head of Institution/Department with official seal, two stamp size photographs, Identity Card of the person issued by the parent University/Institute and a Fee of Rs. 100/-.

Registration for guest membership is entertained only on working days (excluding Saturdays and Holidays) between 9.30 a. m. to 5.30 p. m.

Before visiting the RTL in person, teachers and research scholars from various universities and institutions across the globe, desirous of obtaining guest membership of the RTL may kindly ensure about their eligibility of membership by sending an e mail on any of the following e mail addresses and also verify about the availability of the desired reading material by accessing the website of the RTL by clicking on ""

Theses, dissertations, census documents published between 1821 to 1961, books etc. from the collection of Prof. Sukhamoy Chakravarty and print copies of any reading materials which are already available in electronic format are not issued for photocopying.

h) Retired teachers of the University of Delhi in the departments of Economics, Commerce, Sociology, Geography, Management Studies, Agricultural Economics on payment of a refundable security of Rs. 1,000/-. Retired Teachers who were admitted through various Faculties/ Departments/ affiliated/ constituent Colleges of the University, will be given the membership facility by the Central Library or through their designated libraries as per their entitlement. The membership to the retired teachers of South Delhi Campus will be handled by the Library located at the South Delhi Campus. However, retired teachers from the other departments of the University of Delhi can get their library membership transferred.

i) Post-graduate degree students who are eligible to become members have to deposit Library development fee of Rs. 200/- per annum, a refundable security Rs. 1,000/- and Rs. 1,000/- as DSE Library Service Fee vide Executive Council resolution no. 56 (123) dated 20.04.2005.

 A member will be entitled to library privileges according to only one of the above mentioned categories.


The person eligible for membership has to fill up the prescribed form, available in the library, and submit the form duly attested by his/her Principal/Head of the Department etc. to the Librarian, Ratan Tata Library.

Enrollment of new members or renewal of membership starts from 1st July and is usually over by 15th September of each year. Subsequently, membership/renewal work is taken up only as a special case.

Esteemed members may kindly note that (i) the library is a place of individual study and research, therefore, kindly ensure to maintain silent environment, (ii) smoking, drinking and eating are not allowed in the premises of the RTL, and (iii) there must not be any cases of sexual harassment (as defined by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India) in the premises of the RTL. For all the above three categories, the RTL observes, "No Tolerance." Cases of defaulters on account of non observance of any of the three categories may be forwarded for punitive action, including cancellation of the RTL membership.

Renewal of Membership

Membership, except guest membership, is granted only for one year in all cases. Therefore, it must be got renewed on or before the date of expiry. For purpose of renewal the member will be required to produce all the borrower s cards at the membership counter along with the dully filled membership form. Library membership not renewed on or before the date of expiry lapses automatically.

Getting Clearance Certificate

Taking clearance certificate or No Dues Certificate is obligatory for members when their membership expires. The library cards are the property of the library and are to be returned and dues if any paid. No College/Institution. Department of the University shall issue discharge certificate to any of its student/teacher/staff member (Non-teaching) who is a member of the library without obtaining a No Dues Certificate from the library. A research student is required to submit a clearance certificate from the library to the Board of Research Studies before the research work is accepted for examination. Teachers going out of Delhi on study leave, extra-ordinary leave, sabbatical leave, deputation are required to obtain No Dues Certificate from the library.

Clearance Certificate is not issued to non-members. Library security or any other special deposit with the library is refundable on claim within two years of the date of expiry of membership beyond which the money lapses to the University.


All library services are provided to its esteemed users free of cost. Users are advised not to make any payments for any type of library services provided at the Ratan Tata Library. However, payment for getting any material photocopied are to be made at the authorized vendor for the purpose in the Delhi School of Economics complex adjoining the canteen.


Each member is entitled to borrow the number of books from the library for a specified period as under. In no case Journals (current or bound), reference books and books marked "for consultation only" are not issued.

           Category                                                   No of Books                              Loan Period    

Teaching  & Research Staff


i) Delhi School of Economics, Faculty of Management Studies, Research Staff of the Agricultural Economics Research Centre, Research Associates






2 Weeks


ii) Constituent & Affiliated Colleges


2 Weeks

iii) Research Associates


2 Weeks




i) Ph.D. & M. Phil.




ii) Master's Degree

Students (DSE)


iii) Affiliated &

Constituent Colleges


iv) Ex-Students







2 Weeks


1 Week


1 Week 

1 Week




i) Retired teachers


2 Weeks


            The text books are available at the text book counter. There are two categories of Textbooks namely, for Overnight issue and for three days issue. The facility of Reservation of Books is available. In due course, reservation of books will be available online. The system of issue of text books is as follows:

Category of Library user No. of Library tickets for Books
1. PG Students at Delhi School of Economics Ticket No. 1  Consultation or one textbook from Overnight issue collection

Ticket No. 2  One Textbook from three days collection

Ticket No. 3  One book other than textbook from other collections for seven days

Ticket No. 4  Can be used for any of the above purposes, except consultation facility

2. PG Students admitted in colleges in the subjects at the DSE  Ticket No. 1  Consultation or one textbook from three days collection.

Ticket No. 2   One book other than textbook from other collections for seven days

3. M. Phil. and Ph. D. at Delhi School of Economics Textbooks from Overnight issue collection are not issued against any library ticket. Textbooks from three days collection can be borrowed against any library ticket. However, textbooks from overnight issue collection can be got photocopied.
4. All other members enrolled at the Ratan Tata Library on the recommendations of other libraries of Delhi University/Other Universities Textbooks from Overnight issue  and three days collection are not issued against any library ticket. However, textbooks from these two collections can be got photocopied.


The Library functions for nearly twelve hours during most of academic session. Library hours are subject to change and all changes in timings are notified on
the notice board well in advance.

The Library remains open round the year except Republic Day, Holi, Independence Day and Gandhi Jayanti. The Library Hours are as follows:

Mondays to Fridays

16th  July to 31st  May

1st June to 15th July


9:00 A.M. TO 7:00 P.M.

9:00 A.M. TO 6:00 P.M.

Saturdays and Holidays

January to December


9:00 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M.


January to December



The Ratan Tata Library, University of Delhi, Delhi - 110007 (India)