Information Literacy

Components of Information Literacy
  Tool literacy, or the ability to understand and use the practical and conceptual tools of current information technology relevant to education and the areas of work and professional life that the individual expects to inhabit.

  Resource literacy, or the ability to understand the form, format, location and access methods of information resources, especially daily expanding networked information resources.

  Social-structural literacy, or understanding how information is socially situated and produced.

  Research literacy, or the ability to understand and use the IT-based tools relevant to the work of today's researcher and scholar.

  Publishing literacy, or the ability to format and publish research and ideas electronically, in textual and multimedia forms... to introduce them into the electronic public realm and the electronic community of scholars.

  Emerging technology literacy, or the ability to continuously adapt to, understand, evaluate and make use of the continually emerging innovations in information technology so as not to be a prisoner of prior tools and resources, and to make intelligent decisions about the adoption of new ones.

  Critical literacy, or the ability to evaluate critically the intellectual, human and social strengths and weaknesses, potentials and limits, benefits and costs of information technologies.

Standards of Information Literacy
 Recognize the need for information
 Know how to access information
 Understand how to evaluate information
 Know how to synthesize information
 Be able to communicate information with rest of the world

Information Literacy Models
 The Seven Pillars Model
 Big6 information problem-solving approach
 Research Cycle (McKenzie)
 The Alberta Model
 Stripling and Pitts Research Process Model (1988)
 Information Search Process
 Information Literacy & Inquiry Learning model (SAUCE T.Bond)
 Pathways to Knowledge Information Skills Model
