Subject List (temp. offline) PINAKES : A Subject Launchpad About
Featured in the BBC Web Wise guide to the Internet, and many other online and print publications.
Hosted by Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland.


AccessToLaw: law
ADAM: art, design, architecture and media
aecportico: architecture, engineering, construction
AERADE: aerospace and defence studies

Biogate Biz/ed
Site not maintained! AGRIGATE: agriculture, forestry, environment, food science, horticulture
AHDS: arts and humanities
Biogate: biological sciences Biz/ed: business and economics

BUBL: library and information science
ChemDex: chemistry
Site not maintained! EdWeb: educational reform and information technology
ELDIS: development & the environment

FMO (Forced Migration Online) Geo-Information Gateway Go-Geo!
GEM (Gateway to Educational Materials): educational resources
FMO (Forced Migration Online): forced migration, refugees, displaced peoples Geo-Information Gateway: geography, geology, the environment Go-Geo!: geo-spatial data & resources

History iLoveLanguages InfoLaw Botany
History: historical studies iLoveLanguages: language-learning & linguistics InfoLaw: law Internet Directory for Botany: botany

Intute: Arts & Humanities
Intute: Health & Life Sciences Intute: Science & Technology Intute: Social Sciences
Intute: Arts & Humanities
Intute: Health & Life Sciences Intute: Science & Technology Intute: Social Sciences

Links for Chemists The Math Forum Internet Mathematics Library MCS
Links for Chemists: chemistry The Math Forum Internet Mathematics Library: mathematics MCS: media and communication studies

Moving Images Gateway Music (BUBL Link) PADI: Preserving Access to Digital Information Philosophy Around The Web
Moving Images Gateway: Moving images & sound in Higher & Further Education Music (BUBL Link): music PADI: Preserving Access to Digital Information Philosophy Around The Web: philosophy studies

PhysicsWeb Resources Port Portal to Legal Resources: UK and Ireland Psych Web
PhysicsWeb Resources: physics PORT: maritime studies Portal to Legal Resources in the UK and Ireland: law Psych Web: psychology

Reproductive Health Gateway RUDI Sapling SciCentral
Reproductive Health Gateway: reproductive health RUDI: urban design Sapling: architecture, planning and landscape SciCentral: science

World Wide Arts Resources
TechXtra: engineering, maths & computing articles, books, news, jobs, reports, eprints, etc.
World Wide Arts Resources: the arts

Multi-Subject Gateways
Academic Info
DMOZ: The Open Directory Project Education: all subjects
Academic Info: all subjects
BUBL Link: all subjects
DMOZ: The Open Directory Project: all subjects

DutchESS INFOMINE Intute Renardus
Site not maintained! DutchESS: all subjects
INFOMINE: all subjects Intute: all subjects Renardus: all subjects

Scout Report Archives WWW Virtual Library
Scout Report Archives: all subjects WWW Virtual Library: all subjects


Note: Sites that are no longer maintained but still contain useful information are indicated by the following symbol :
Site not maintained!

In ancient times, the Library of Alexandria was seen as a universal store of human knowledge. As the Library grew in size, however, it became increasingly difficult to locate relevant material. The poet Callimachus solved the problem by compiling a catalogue called The Pinakes. On a far smaller scale, these Web pages hope to provide a similar function for Internet resources, by linking to the major subject gateways.

Designed by Dave Bond and Roddy MacLeod

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Last updated - 29 August 2006

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